Clarke House Museum Welcome!

Clarke House Museum

Public Tours: Wednesdays & Saturdays at 1pm 

FREE Admission

Clarke House Museum Tours

                                         A photo of the exterior of the Clarke House Museum - it is beige and has colums and stairs in the front                       An interior photo of the drawing room in the Clarke House - with fireplace lit.                

Built in 1836 for Henry and Caroline Clarke, the Clarke House Museum is Chicago’s oldest house. The house shows what life was like for a family in Chicago during the city’s formative years before the Civil War. Its fascinating history began at a time when Chicago received its city charter and much of the area was still undeveloped prairie.

Over the years, the house survived fires, belonged to a church, and was moved twice – during the second move, the house was stuck in the air for two weeks.

 Join us for a tour.



  • Public tours
  • 45-60 minute free guided tours of the architecture and history of the Clarke House Museum.
  • Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1pm (No tours on holidays or November 24 & December 29)
  • Tours are limited to a maxium of 8 people, available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • No reservations accepted


  • Private Tour
  • 45 - 60 minute free guided tour of the architecture and history of the Clarke House Museum
  • Days and hours to be determined upon request and availability
  • Tours are for guests 13 years and older, in groups of 5-10, by appointment via our registration form, pending availability.


  • Clarke House is only open for tours. There are no drop-in hours.